Brand : alps
ProdName : P48pro
ProdModel : P48pro
Device : a82c1_dx_p56
AndroidVer: 10.0
MTKxCPU : MT6572
build description: a82c1_dx_p56-user 10.0 KOT49H eng.dsxsw05.1615344666 release-keys
build version: A82C5D_DX_P56_P48pro_WELCOME_QS_BT15_ER245T_M01_20210310_1049
lcd: jd9161xx_dsi_vdo nt35512_dsi_vdo
Bahan :
1. Download ROM Firmware Welcome Oppo P48pro Scatter File,
2. Download SP-Flash-Tool Download Disini
3. Driver bila belum punya instal dulu driver mtknya
4. Untuk tutorial flash via Flash tool bisa dilihat DISINI
5. Konfirmasi pass sms / wa only 0822-1163-1565 (nomor ini hanya buat konfirmasi, BUKAN YANG DI ISI) , Mahar SHOPEE PAY / GOPAY 20k
Log read Firmware Welcome Oppo P48pro
Connecting to BootROM...
Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
Hold the VOL UP to force MediaTek BootROM.
Scanning BootROM or Preloader port(30 s)... Error: timeout
AUTH info: MTK, version: 1
BROM version[0]: 7.1621.1.0
Loading DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin (5.42 MiB)
version: 3.3001.00.00, start addr: 0x40000800
Connecting to BootROM...
Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
Hold the VOL UP to force MediaTek BootROM.
Scanning BootROM or Preloader port(30 s)... Done.
Detected PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM4)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 2.0 High-Speed
USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] usbser, version:, date: 12-24-2011
Connecting Bootrom... Done.
Sending Download Agent... Done.
Platform: MT6572_S00, Hw ver: 0xCA00, Sw ver: 0x0000
Secure ver: 0xFF, BL ver: 0x01
Secure config: 0x00
SRAM size: 128 KiB
DRAM size: 512 MiB
Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x70 (Kingston)
Product name: MMC04G (0x4d4d43303447), rev: 0x58, serial number: 0xBFA8571B
Manufacturing date: Sep 2014
CID: 7001004D 4D433034 4758BFA8 571B915D
Capacity: 3.61 GiB(3,871,473,664 bytes)
Boot1: 2048 KiB
Boot2: 2048 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: 3.60 GiB(3,867,148,288 bytes)
USB speed: High-Speed
platform: MT6572, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: alps
board: a82c1_dx_p56, name: P48pro
brand: alps, model: P48pro()
build id: KOT49H, version: 10.0 Alpha (A82C5D_DX_P56_P48pro_WELCOME_QS_BT15_ER245T_M01_20210310_1049)
build description: a82c1_dx_p56-user 10.0 KOT49H eng.dsxsw05.1615344666 release-keys
build version: A82C5D_DX_P56_P48pro_WELCOME_QS_BT15_ER245T_M01_20210310_1049
lcd: jd9161xx_dsi_vdo nt35512_dsi_vdo
screen resolution: 960 x 480
main camera: ov2685_mipi_yuv ov2675_mipi_yuv hi258mipi_yuv bf3a20_yuv
lens: sensordrive
front camera: gc0309sub_yuv bf3703sub_yuv hi253_yuv ov2686sub_yuv
audio: amp_6323pmic_spk
touch: focaltech gsl
modem: a52_we_72_kk_hspa_1258
AUTH info: MTK, version: 1
BROM version[0]: 7.1621.1.0
Loading DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin (5.42 MiB)
version: 3.3001.00.00, start addr: 0x40000800
Connecting to BootROM...
Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
Hold the VOL UP to force MediaTek BootROM.
Scanning BootROM or Preloader port(30 s)... Done.
Detected PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM4)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 2.0 High-Speed
USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] usbser, version:, date: 12-24-2011
Connecting Bootrom... Done.
Sending Download Agent... Done.
Platform: MT6572_S00, Hw ver: 0xCA00, Sw ver: 0x0000
Secure ver: 0xFF, BL ver: 0x01
Secure config: 0x00
SRAM size: 128 KiB
DRAM size: 512 MiB
PL Secure ver: 0x02
Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x70 (Kingston)
Product name: MMC04G (0x4d4d43303447), rev: 0x58, serial number: 0xBFA8571B
Manufacturing date: Sep 2014
CID: 7001004D 4D433034 4758BFA8 571B915D
Capacity: 3.61 GiB(3,871,473,664 bytes)
Boot1: 2048 KiB
Boot2: 2048 KiB
RPMB: 128 KiB
User area: 3.60 GiB(3,867,148,288 bytes)
USB speed: High-Speed
platform: MT6572, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: alps
board: a82c1_dx_p56, name: P48pro
brand: alps, model: P48pro()
build id: KOT49H, version: 10.0 Alpha (A82C5D_DX_P56_P48pro_WELCOME_QS_BT15_ER245T_M01_20210310_1049)
build description: a82c1_dx_p56-user 10.0 KOT49H eng.dsxsw05.1615344666 release-keys
build version: A82C5D_DX_P56_P48pro_WELCOME_QS_BT15_ER245T_M01_20210310_1049
lcd: jd9161xx_dsi_vdo nt35512_dsi_vdo
screen resolution: 960 x 480
main camera: ov2685_mipi_yuv ov2675_mipi_yuv hi258mipi_yuv bf3a20_yuv
lens: sensordrive
front camera: gc0309sub_yuv bf3703sub_yuv hi253_yuv ov2686sub_yuv
audio: amp_6323pmic_spk
touch: focaltech gsl
modem: a52_we_72_kk_hspa_1258
Reading preloader_a82c1_dx_p56.bin... Done.
Reading mbr... Done.
Reading ebr1... Done.
Reading pro_info... Done.
Reading nvram... Done.
Reading protect_f... Done.
Reading protect_s... Done.
Reading seccfg... Done.
Reading uboot.bin... Done.
Reading bootimg.img... Done.
Reading recovery.img... Done.
Reading sec_ro.img... Done.
Reading misc... Done.
Reading logo.bin... Done.
Reading expdb... Done.
Reading android.img... Done.
Reading cache.img... Done.
Reading usrdata.img... Done.
Files saved to \\D:\ANDROID%20LAIN2\wellcome\
Completed in 12 mins 20.435 s