
Rabu, 29 April 2020

Flash & Firmware Wellcome P31 Pro MT6580 COPY P-Series

Brand     : P31 Pro
ProdName  : full_dwzn
ProdModel : S6
Device    : dwzn
AndroidVer: 5.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6580

note : preloader_dwzn.bin

pass:   p31-copy

Bahan :
1. Download FirmwareWellcome P31 Pro COPY Scatter File

2. Download SP-Flash-Tool Download Disini
3. Driver bila belum punya instal dulu driver mtknya
4. Untuk tutorial flash via Flash tool bisa dilihat DISINI
5. Konfirmasi pass sms only 0822-1163-1565 (nomor ini hanya buat konfirmasi, BUKAN YANG DI ISI) , Mahar SHOPEE PAY / GOPAY 20k

Log Read info Wellcome P31 Pro COPY
Operation : Check / Read Info [ v1.58 ]

1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey

Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6580
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6580_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x94
eMMC Flash : 90014A4841473464040502A2A154C1E7
Initialize Memory ...
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x90 , OEM : 014A
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 90014A4841473464040502A2A154C1E7
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00400000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000003AB800000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 15032 MiB [eMMC 16 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xA93155671B839CF99FDD0F0895B0D465
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!

[AP] : Initial info read Ok!

Brand     : P31 Pro
ProdName  : full_dwzn
ProdModel : S6
Device    : dwzn
AndroidVer: 5.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6580

IMEI_SW [1] : 355715073907754
IMEI_SW [2] : 355715073907762
BTMAC Addr  : 0000463C9198
WiFi MAC    : 307BBD1EC176

BaseBand  : MT6580_S00_MOLY_WR8_W1449_MD_WG_MP_V23_1_2g_n

LCD : Not info available :(
LCD Res : M_HEIGHT=960xM_WIDTH=540
TOUCH [1] : ftxxxx
CAM [0] : STOM_HAL_IMGSENSOR=ov2685_mipi_raw_w9_ctx
CAM [1] : sp2508_mipi_raw_w9_xdf
CAM [2] : sp2609_mipi_raw_w9_ctx
CAM [3] : sp2509_mipi_raw_w9_ctx
CAM [4] : ov2685_mipi_raw_sub_w9_ctx
CAM [5] : sp2508_mipi_raw_sub_w9_xdf
CAM [6] : sp2609_mipi_raw_sub_w9_ctx
CAM [7] : sp2509_mipi_raw_sub_w9_ctx
MODEM : STOM_MODEM=ype_b1b5_gprs_2g_3g dw_6580_kw_b15
LOCALE : K_PRODUCT_LOCALES=en_US my_ZG af_ZA in_ID id_ID ms_MY de_AT de_CH de_DE de_LI en_US en_AU en_CA en_GB en_IE en_IN en_NZ en_SG en_ZA es_ES es_US tl_PH fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR it_CH it_IT hu_HU nl_BE nl_NL pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT fi_FI sv_SE vi_VN tr_TR el_GR ru_RU uk_UA ar_EG ar_IL fa_IR bn_BD th_TH lo_LA km_KH ko_KR zh_CN


Jumat, 24 April 2020

Flash Evercoss GENPRO S50 Matot Abis Flash ~ SCATTER FILE

Catatan: GENPRO S50 sebelum di flash LOGO abis Flash MATOT
salah ROM

Tested Flash via UFI
pass :  ecs-50joss
Bahan :
1. Download Firmware Evercoss GENPRO S50 Scatter File

2. Download SP-Flash-Tool Download Disini
3. Driver bila belum punya instal dulu driver mtknya
4. Untuk tutorial flash via Flash tool bisa dilihat DISINI
5. Konfirmasi pass sms only 0822-1163-1565 (nomor ini hanya buat konfirmasi, BUKAN YANG DI ISI) , Mahar SHOPEE PAY / GOPAY 20k

Log Flash GENPRO S50 Via UFI

Please "Identify Device" at first, before any other operation.
 version: V1.1.2
 platform: MT6737M
 project: len6737m_35_n
 storage: EMMC
 bootChannel: MSDC_0
 blockSize: 0x00020000
MTK Preloader file info.
Found 4 supported eMMC CID:
 [Samsung] R21BMB     15010052 3231424D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
 [Samsung] RX1BMB     15010052 5831424D 42xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
 [SK Hynix] HBG4e     90014A48 42473465 05xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
 [SK Hynix] HBG4a2     90014A48 42473461 32xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
BROM version[0]: 7.1621.1.0
Loading DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin (5.42 MiB)
 version: 3.3001.00.00, start addr: 0x40000800
Connecting to BootROM...
 Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
 Scanning BootROM or Preloader port(30 s)... Done.
 Detected MTK USB Port (COM18)
 Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 1.16 Full-Speed
 USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] usbser, version:, date: 1-5-2012
Connecting Bootrom... Done.
Sending Download Agent... Done.
Platform: MT6735M_S00, Hw ver: 0xCA00, Sw ver: 0x0000
 Secure ver: 0x05, BL ver: 0x00
 Secure config: 0x01
 SRAM size: 128 KiB
DRAM size: 3 GiB
Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x90 (SK Hynix)
Product name: HBG4e (0x484247346505), rev: 0x07, serial number: 0x98265CE9
Manufacturing date: Oct 2015
CID: 90014A48 42473465 05079826 5CE9A2B7
Capacity: 29.14 GiB(31,285,313,536 bytes)
 Boot1: 4096 KiB
 Boot2: 4096 KiB
 RPMB: 4096 KiB
 User area: 29.13 GiB(31,272,730,624 bytes)
USB speed: Full-Speed
Switching to USB High-Speed...
 Scanning DA USB High-Speed port... Done.
 Detected DA USB VCOM Port (COM19)
 Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 1.16 High-Speed
 USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] usbser, version:, date: 12-24-2011
Writing preloader at 0x00000000, size: 117.51 KiB... Done.
Writing lk at 0x01C80000, size: 422.92 KiB... Done.
Writing boot at 0x01D80000, size: 8.47 MiB... Done.
Writing recovery at 0x02D80000, size: 10.89 MiB... Done.
Writing logo at 0x03D80000, size: 1.23 MiB... Done.
Writing secro at 0x05200000, size: 132 KiB... Done.
Writing tee1 at 0x06000000, size: 170 KiB... Done.
Writing tee2 at 0x06500000, size: 170 KiB... Done.
 Unsparsing image... Done.
Writing system at 0x0B800000, size: 3.23 GiB... Done.
 Unsparsing image... Done.
Writing cache at 0xDA000000, size: 400 MiB... Done.
 Unsparsing image... Done.
Writing userdata at 0xF3000000, size: 1.50 GiB... Done.
Completed in 8 mins 13.390 s


Rabu, 22 April 2020

Firmware Redmi Note 4G 2014911 / 2014912 & 2014021 ~ Bypass micloud

Firmware Redmi Note 4G 2014911 / 2014912 & 2014021

Catatan : Flash via fastboot
pass :  not4-ok
Bahan :
  1. Download Tool Miflash atau Download Disini
  2. Download Firmware Redmi Note 4G 2014911 & 2014912
  3. Download Firmware Redmi Note 4G 2014021
  4. Untuk tutorial flash  bisa dilihat video dibawah
  5. Tested Win 7 32bit
  6. Konfirmasi pass sms only 0822-1163-1565 (nomor ini hanya buat konfirmasi, BUKAN YANG DI ISI) , Mahar SHOPEE PAY / GOPAY 20k

  • Cara Flash Redmi note 4g via Miflash Fastboot mode
  1. Matikan Redmi note 4g
  2. Pencet Volume down + on, sampe keluar Fastboot mode
  3. Colokan ke PC, install driver
  4. Selanjutnya lihat Video Dibawah sama dgn flashing redmi 2

Selasa, 21 April 2020

Lenovo P1ma40 Fix BLUE SCREEN abis Flash

CATATAN : Abis flash pake rom P1ma40_S025_150924_16G_ROW malah jadi BLANK BIRU, ada nada masuk, hp juga standby

Cara : flash dulu pake LK ONLY, bila muncul logo bru exe pake yg full rom
pass :  p1ma40-joss
Bahan :
1. Download Firmware
2. Download SP-Flash-Tool Wajib pake versi SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1352.01 Download Disini
3. Driver bila belum punya instal dulu driver mtknya
4. Untuk tutorial flash via Flash tool bisa dilihat DISINI
5. Konfirmasi pass WA / sms only 0822-1163-1565 (nomor ini hanya buat konfirmasi, BUKAN YANG DI ISI) , Mahar pulsa 20k

Log read info rom lenovo p1ma40
Start  at : [7/25/2018 / 8:12:56 PM]
Operation : Check / Read Info [ v1.58 ]

1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey

Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 5 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6735
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6735_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x93
eMMC Flash : 510001154D33323862050042F730C0B4
Initialize Memory ...
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 150100513832334D42000562B4C0B2F7
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00400000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000003A3E00000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 14910 MiB [eMMC 16 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xFCC4CFBDCA73291E9DCF9F88BF851A63
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x80000000 [2 GiB]
Boot Ok!

[AP] : Initial info read Ok!

Brand     : Lenovo
ProdName  : P1ma40
ProdModel : Lenovo P1ma40
Device    : P1ma40
AndroidVer: 5.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6735
MTKxPRJ   : P1ma40_S_USR_S010_1608241530_MP3V2_16G_ROW_US

IMEI_SW [1] : 868851020037112
IMEI_SW [2] : 868851020037120
BTMAC Addr  : 000046033501
WiFi MAC    : 000000000000

BaseBand  : MT6735_S00_MOLY_LR9_W1444_MD_LWTG_MP_V16_P3_1_lwg_n

LCD : Not info available :(
LCD Res : 1280x720
TOUCH [0] : FT5446
CAM [0] : ov8865_mipi_raw
CAM [1] : ov8865_mipi_raw_sunny
CAM [2] : hi551_mipi_raw
CAM [3] : hi551avc_mipi_raw
MODEM : wingtech5335_lte_l_lwg_dsds_wt_pa_sky77643_98735a
LOCALE : en_US zh_CN zh_TW es_ES pt_BR ru_RU fr_FR de_DE tr_TR vi_VN ms_MY in_ID th_TH it_IT ar_EG hi_IN bn_IN ur_PK fa_IR pt_PT nl_NL el_GR hu_HU tl_PH ro_RO cs_CZ ko_KR km_KH iw_IL my_MM pl_PL es_US bg_BG hr_HR lv_LV lt_LT sk_SK uk_UA de_AT da_DK fi_FI nb_NO sv_SE en_GB hy_AM zh_HK et_EE ja_JP kk_KZ sr_RS sl_SI ca_ES

Elapsed: 00:00:37
Reconnect Power/Cable!


Selasa, 14 April 2020

Flash & Firmware Tablet mbk82_tb_kk_m906

Brand     : alps
ProdName  : mbk82_tb_kk_m906
ProdModel : mbk82_tb_kk_m906
Device    : mbk82_tb_kk_m906
AndroidVer: 4.4.2
MTKxCPU   : MT6582
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.KK1.MP1.V2.12

pokoknya di info serinya seperti diatas
pass: mbk_82ok
Bahan :
1. Download Firmware

2. Download SP-Flash-Tool Wajib pake versi SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1352.01 Download Disini
3. Driver bila belum punya instal dulu driver mtknya
4. Untuk tutorial flash via Flash tool bisa dilihat DISINI
5. Konfirmasi pass WA / sms only 0822-1163-1565 (nomor ini hanya buat konfirmasi, BUKAN YANG DI ISI) , Mahar pulsa 20k

Log read firmware tablet mbk82_tb_kk_m906

Operation : Read Flash [ v1.58 ]

1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey

Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 6 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6582
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6582_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA01 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x87
eMMC Flash : 15010038574D42335201678956373111
Initialize Memory ...
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 15010038574D42335201678956373111
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00080000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000001D2000000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 7456 MiB [eMMC 8 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xFCC4CFBD11EA162BC8EDAA35373F8719
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ...

Brand     : alps
ProdName  : mbk82_tb_kk_m906
ProdModel : mbk82_tb_kk_m906
Device    : mbk82_tb_kk_m906
AndroidVer: 4.4.2
MTKxCPU   : MT6582
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.KK1.MP1.V2.12

[Read Ok] : preloader_mbk82_tb_kk_m906.bin
[Read Ok] : MBR
[Read Ok] : EBR1
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : EBR2
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6582 / V1.1.1 / mbk82_tb_kk_m906 / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 929 MiB
Scatter saved to : D:\ANDROID LAIN2\mbk_tb_kk_m906\MT6582__alps__mbk82_tb_kk_m906__mbk82_tb_kk_m906__4.4.2__ALPS.KK1.MP1.V2.12\

All done!